The landlord needs to know the site area and building area of the properties they lease to the Postal Service. The building area is the net interior square feet of the space. Exterior walls are not included. The site area is the area encompassed by the leased parcel of land. It is the land area of which the USPS has exclusive use. For a free-standing facility, the Postal Service may lease all or only a portion of the site owned by the Landlord. In joint use facilities, the site may be just the leased building area or the leased building plus parking area and accessways of which the Postal Service has exclusive use. It is important for the landlord to know the location of the land boundaries. Sidewalks adjacent to streets or highways may or may not be on the Landlord’s property. If improvements such as sidewalks, landscaping or parking areas are on public property, local ordinances may nevertheless make the landlord responsible for their maintenance. The Postal Service is not responsible for maintenance of off-site improvements.

Contributed by:
Karen J. Delamore, DRE Consulting
303-917-8810 or email