Constituent Visits Are Instrumental for Influencing Congress

“Nothing makes a bigger impression on lawmakers than a visit from constituents,” according to a November 26, 2014 article in The Hill, a Washington, D.C. publication. The article, linked below, reported on a three year study conducted by the Congressional Management Foundation (CMF). The study determined that visits to the Washington DC offices of legislators…

USPS Board Chairman: “Packages Are the Future”

During his hearing to be appointed to another term on the board of governors of the U.S. Postal Service today, Chairman Mickey Barnett recalled senior management’s meeting with a futurist who predicted that paper would be virtually nonexistent in 30 years. “If that is even possible,” Barnett said, “there must be some forward thinking, and…

FedEx and UPS Move Packages through US Postal Service

Federal Express and UPS are using the Postal Service more and more to move their own packages, so much that it’s straining the system. Critics wonder if the USPS is charging enough for services provided for FedEx and UPS. USPS delivers an average of 2.2 million packages every day for FedEx; which is around 30%…

A View of AUSPL Hill Day 2014

By AUSPL Member Maureen Goldsmith The second annual Hill Day in Washington, D.C., was held June 11-12, 2014. Maureen Goldsmith and her daughter, Kyra, attended along with dozens of fellow lessors and certain AUSPL board members and staff. Attendees met with Congressional staff to discuss pending postal reform legislation. Maureen shares her experiences below. Thank…

Mark E. Karolczyk Joins AUSPL as Director of Operations

We are excited to welcome Mark Karolczyk as Director of Operations at AUSPL headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona. Mark, a practicing real estate attorney for more than 30 years, brings a wealth of experience in postal leasing and lease negotiation. “Mark has a long history of successfully dealing with USPS leases, and brings a higher level…

USPS Office of Inspector General: Semiannual Report to Congress

The Office of  Inspector General is tasked with ensuring efficiency, accountability, and integrity in the U.S. Postal Service. It’s mission is to help maintain confidence in the mail and postal system as well as improve the USPS bottom line. The OIG uses audits and investigations to help protect the integrity of the Postal Service. Read…

Second Annual Hill Day: June 11-12, 2014

We’re looking forward to our second annual “Hill Day” in Washington, D.C. this month. More than three dozen AUSPL members and several board members will be meeting with Senators and Representatives to discuss the value of the leasing program to the Postal Service.