AUSPL Regional Meeting Coming to Denver
Watch for details! Regional Meeting in Denver, CO Denver Marriott City Center 1701 California Street, Denver, CO 80202 August 26, 2016
Watch for details! Regional Meeting in Denver, CO Denver Marriott City Center 1701 California Street, Denver, CO 80202 August 26, 2016
On February 25, 2016 the US Postal Service filed notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) of intent to rollback Market Dominant prices. The new rates are expected to go into effect on April 10, 2016.
On February 9, 2016, the President submitted to Congress his Budget for Fiscal Year 2017.
The Appendix under Other Independent Agencies contained the Administration’s approach to resolving financial difficulties at the US Postal Service. The Administration promises to work with the Congress and Postal stakeholders to secure reforms that improve the efficiency of the USPS, update its business model and provide measures for financial relief.
In The U. S. House of Representatives on March 1, 2016, Representative Jared Huffman (CA-2) introduced H.R. 4565, also called the “Stop Postal Closures Act of 2016”. The general purpose of this bill is to address and improve declining USPS service standards and reinstate service standards that were in effect on July 1, 2012.
This bill would place a moratorium on closing or consolidating postal processing facilities. The moratorium would not prohibit closing post offices.
On January 29, 2016 The Office of the Inspector General for the USPS published an audit report entitled, “Deceased Lessors.” In the report the OIG states that “The USPS did not always know which facility leases it had with deceased lessors and continued to pay some of them, and did not always maintain accurate lessor information in its facilities management system.”
Representative Cedric Richmond (LA- 2) Introduces “POSTAL Act of 2015”
On February 1, 2016 Rep. Cedric Richmond introduced in the House of Representatives H.R. 4422, the “Providing Opportunities for Savings, Transactions, and Lending Act of 2015.” The Bill would allow the US Postal Service to provide basic financial services including 1) small dollar loans, 2) checking accounts, 3) savings accounts, 4) services relating to international money transfers, and 5) other basic financial services as the Postal Service considers appropriate in the public interest.
Mr. David C. Williams, Inspector General of the US Postal Service OIG will be retiring on February 19, 2016. Mr. Williams has been the Inspector General since 2003. Deputy Inspector General Tammy Whitcomb will take over as acting IG.
As reimbursement for the free and reduced rates mandated by Congress, the USPS, through the annual Appropriations Bill, receives money from Congress for “forgone” revenue. The 2016 Omnibus Appropriations Bill will reimburse the USPS for $55,075,000 in forgone revenue in 2016. The section of the bill which calls for the payment to the USPS provides…
On September 17, 2015 Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) introduced Senate Bill 2051, named the “Improving Postal Operations, Service and Transparency Act 2015” (iPOST). The Bill, introduced in the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, is the most recent Congressional proposal for comprehensive “postal reform” legislation. In addition to tackling such critical financial issues…
On Friday, October 16, 2015, the United States Postal Service announced its intention to increase shipping rates, effective January 17, 2016. The average cost for shipping would rise by 9.5% or approximately $5.50 per shipment. Priority Mail rates would increase by 9.8%, with prices ranging from $6.80 to $18.75, depending on box size. Rates for…