Louis DeJoy to Step Aside as Postmaster General

February 18, 2025 Louis DeJoy has asked the Postal Service Board of Governors to start looking for his successor. DeJoy said, “After four and half years leading one of America’s greatest public institutions through dramatic change during unusual times, it is time for me to start thinking about the next phase of my life, while…

A Resolution to Prohibit Privatization of the USPS

Stephen Lynch, MA-8, introduced House Resolution 70 on 1-28-2025.  This Resolution seeks to keep the US Postal Service as an independent establishment of the Federal Government, not subject to privatization. Most resolutions do not have the force of law. They are statements or expressions of intent, and they do not go through the formal legislative…


The United State Postal Service has created a newly designed money order. The new form is intended to be more secure. It will reduce counterfeiting and other fraudulent activities. Watermarks, a security thread and a Quick Response (QR) code that directs to the USPS website are some of the new features of the enhanced money…

Another Great Regional Meeting!

Educating postal lessors is the value on which AUSPL was founded.  That purpose was perpetuated at the recent Regional Meeting in Las Vegas.  Members had high praise for the speakers, the venue, and the great food.  One member described the relief he found to feelings of isolation upon becoming an AUSPL member, and the appreciation…


The Facilities Leasing Department of the USPS has created a new website for postal lessors. This site offers the information needed by over 25,000 lessors. Here lessors can: The phone numbers and email addresses are no longer functional. The new website address is the contact method the USPS has now chosen.

The First of the New USPS Delivery Vehicles Are In Use!

September 2024 – The 30 year-old US Postal Service mail delivery vehicles, like the one shown on the left are finally starting to be put out of service. The new delivery vehicles, design by Oshkosh Defense are being used on routes in Georgia. Letter Carriers have a very favorable response – due in great part…

Postal Legislation Introduced in July 2024

As the 118th session of Congress heads to its close in January, postal legislation bills continue to be introduced. Should these bills fail to become law prior to the end of the session, they will expire and need to be reintroduced in the next session. Nonetheless, it is important to see which Legislators are interested…