AUSPL Leadership Meets With Key Legislators to Discuss Postal Reform in Washington, D.C.

By Harry Glenn

The 113th Congress closed with a flurry of activity last month and members of your AUSPL board and staff were on the ground in our nation’s Capital to monitor legislative activity and meet the key players on postal reform legislation in the upcoming 114th Congress.

President of the Board Morgan Wolaver, Vice President Gary Phillips, and Director of Operations Mark Karolczyk were pleased to learn while they were there that the final omnibus appropriations bill to keep the federal government open and running through September 30, 2015 included a legislative provision stating, “That none of the funds provided in this Act shall be used to consolidate or close small rural and other small post offices.” The legislation also included a provision requiring the postal service to maintain six-day mail delivery throughout the same time period.

Constituent Visits Are Instrumental for Influencing Congress

“Nothing makes a bigger impression on lawmakers than a visit from constituents,” according to a November 26, 2014 article in The Hill, a Washington, D.C. publication. The article, linked below, reported on a three year study conducted by the Congressional Management Foundation (CMF). The study determined that visits to the Washington DC offices of legislators…

AUSPL Continues to Work for Postal Lessor-Friendly Options in Postal Reform Bills

As we enter the October/November election phase of this year, Members of Congress have returned to their home districts to campaign for reelection. Prior to leaving Capitol Hill, they passed a stopgap spending measure to fund the government until they return after the election. Some additional items were included in the funding measure, although the measure avoids controversial provisions such as addressing the U.S. Postal Service’s plan to close 82 facilities nationwide in 2015.

There remains some possibility of postal reform passing in the lame duck session of Congress, after the elections. However, that is increasingly unlikely . . .

USPS Board Chairman: “Packages Are the Future”

During his hearing to be appointed to another term on the board of governors of the U.S. Postal Service today, Chairman Mickey Barnett recalled senior management’s meeting with a futurist who predicted that paper would be virtually nonexistent in 30 years. “If that is even possible,” Barnett said, “there must be some forward thinking, and…

2014 AUSPL Insurance Program Renewal Highlights

1. You may notice a small increase in your premium this year. Although the rate for calculating premiums remained constant, we are required to adjust the building values slightly upward (by 3%) to remain current with increasing repair and construction costs. Using the same rate for calculating premiums but a slightly higher building value means…