AUSPL Insurance Program is customized insurance for postal facilities and is available exclusively for AUSPL members. Currently, the program insures more than 7,000 facilities nationwide. AUSPL Insurance Program has been protecting members’ postal facilities since 1993.

AUSPL Insurance adjusters work with lessors and their postmaster(s) to ensure buildings are repaired quickly and efficiently when the building is damaged or destroyed.

To report a claim, follow these steps:

1. Call 877-642-8775 to tell what happened, when and where. Be sure to include names and phone numbers of relevant parties.
2. Take steps to protect the property after a loss. Make any emergency repairs needed to prevent further damage, including boarding up or placing plastic over damaged doors, windows, walls or the roof. Remove all debris. Save receipts and ask for reimbursement.
3. Emergencies occur any time. When a crisis occurs after hours or weekends, call 1-800-315-6090.

The 7 mishaps that most frequently damage post offices:

1. Violent weather, including hurricanes and tornadoes
2. Hail, snow or ice
3. Lightning
4. Flood
5. Fire
6. Vehicles striking buildings
7. Slip and fall lawsuits