On May 28 the Senate approved the nomination of Anton Haijar to the USPS Board of Governors. Mr. Haijar is a former General Counsel of the American postal Workers Union. The Board now has nine appointed governors plus the Postmaster General and the Deputy Postmaster General – the full number named by statute 39 U.S. Code § 202 – Board of Governors.
Qualifications for members of the Board of Governors are also set forth in 39 U.S. Code § 202: “The Governors shall represent the public interest generally, and shall be chosen solely on the basis of their experience in the field of public service, law or accounting or on their demonstrated ability in managing organizations or corporations (in either the public or private sector) of substantial size; except that at least 4 of the Governors shall be chosen solely on the basis of their demonstrated ability in managing organizations or corporations (in either the public or private sector) that employ at least 50,000 employees.” Governors serve for a term of seven years, except in situations where a new governor is appointed to finish the term of another governor whose term has been terminated early.