Mark Karolczyk
We are excited to welcome Mark Karolczyk as Director of Operations at AUSPL headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona. Mark, a practicing real estate attorney for more than 30 years, brings a wealth of experience in postal leasing and lease negotiation. “Mark has a long history of successfully dealing with USPS leases, and brings a higher level of support to the AUSPL management team,” says AUSPL President Morgan Wolaver. Mark graduated with honors from the University of Alabama and the Arizona State University College of Law, and he has been a member of the Arizona State Bar since 1982.
“My objective is to ensure that AUSPL serves as an effective resource for postal lessors and as their authoritative and respected advocate in dealings with policy makers and decision makers in Congress and within the USPS. Post offices serve as a touchstone and important resource in communities throughout the nation and their preservation is an important and worthy objective. We hope to grow AUSPL’s membership so as to increase its influence and make its message difficult to ignore,” reports Mark.
Mark will join AUSPL President Morgan Wolaver, Vice President Gary Phillips, several members of the board and two dozen AUSPL members for the Second Annual Hill Day in Washington, D.C., on June 11-12, 2014. There, they will meet with key Senators and Representatives to discuss postal reform legislation. Those of you who will be attending Hill Day will have an opportunity to meet Mark.
As talk of moving from home mail delivery to cluster boxes heats up, AUSPL wants to make sure that post offices are included in the definition of centralized delivery and to remind lawmakers the real estate leasing program offers the most flexible and cost-efficient option for universal mail service, especially in rural America.
“I am excited about this opportunity and look forward to the challenge of preserving the excellent strides AUSPL has already made on behalf of its members, and pushing the organization to new levels of service and support for members,” Mark says. “Those before me established a great organization, and we will strive to make it even better.”