The AUSPL Insurance Program lead by Rick Austin insures more postal properties than any other insurance provider in the United States. Members may not be aware, but the insurance program did not exist before AUSPL. It was envisioned by a former President to aid members in obtaining affordable insurance for their small, rural post offices. Like the beginnings of the AUSPL, the history of the insurance program is also an interesting story.

In 1991 when I began my career with Dattel Realty Company, Rick Austin was insuring Dattel Realty’s Post Offices and those of a foreign investor in Memphis who had assembled a portfolio of around 135 locations. Sam Dattel took over as AUSPL President in 1992. At that time, the association was a tiny organization with few members and little influence with the USPS. In fact, when Mr. Dattel was handed the administration of the AUSPL, all of the paperwork was in a cardboard box containing merely a printout of the names and address of approximately 80 purported members.
When Mr. Dattel took the reins of the small Association of postal lessors, he wanted to provide a favorable insurance program as a benefit for its members. Several brokers and agents were asked to create a program that could potentially benefit postal lessors. After review and comparison of the proposals, Rick Austin, assisted by Jerry Mayo of the Home Insurance Company, was formally awarded the program in 1993. The program was launched in October of that year and October 1st remains the anniversary date of the program to this day. Rick insured about 2,000 properties in the first year and increased AUSPL membership to approximately 800. The lion’s share of new members owned one or two small post offices.
The Home Insurance Company remained on as the carrier throughout the early-to-mid1990’s. Membership growth continued through solicitation aided by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) list, which provided the owner information and some limited specifics for all leased Postal facilities. By 1995, the program had grown to cover over 4,000 locations and AUSPL membership likewise increased.
In the late1990’s, Home Insurance Company had financial problems and eventually was liquidated. Royal Insurance took over underwriting the program with Jerry remaining as the lead underwriter. Royal remained as the lead carrier until Acceptance Insurance Corporation took over the program in the early 2000’s. Also, in the late 90’s, Sedgwick was acquired by Marsh McLennan, and Rick, along with the AUSPL Insurance Program transitioned to Memphis Insurance Group where it is administered still today.
“September 11th” occurred in 2001 and the insurance market for government real estate became very limited and more costly overnight. This drove even more lessors to the AUSPL, and helped it grow membership. During this period the AUSPL and its President, Gary Poelstra, took a more proactive role in marketing the insurance program from his office in California. Jeanne Arrand was brought on board in a dedicated role to solicit membership and encourage enrollment in the insurance program.
With Jerry Mayo still actively involved, Hannover took over the program in 2012 and currently underwrites the program 10 years later.
By 2015 the program was expanded to cover other government real estate and Rick Austin specifically targeted GSA and State leased facilities. GSA now represents about 25% or the program, but Post Offices remain dominant with a typical renewal retention of all participants in the insurance program greater than 95%.
Today AUSPL Insurance insures billions of dollars’ worth of leased postal properties, spread across 9,600 locations.
Membership has grown to over 3,000 but in the 21st century, large institutional investors are consolidating privately owned government real estate. The program continues to flourish, with its dominance in the marketplace and member satisfaction with the program at an all-time high.
Over the years, the AUSPL Insurance Program has supported the Association with sponsorship of many Conference activities, and with financial support of Regional Meetings. Additionally, AUSPL Insurance supports the legislative and Political Action Committee programs. For decades, the Insurance Program has been one of the most valuable benefits utilized by AUSPL members.
From its meager beginnings the AUSPL Insurance Program has grown to be one of the most successful insurance programs in the Nation and will continue to serve the AUSPL and its members for years to come.
March 2022