The Government Accountability Office published a Postal Service Primer dated September 2021. This Primer includes an easy to follow system of questions and answers addresses key issues about postal reform. Included are costs, revenue, identification of the many stakeholders, and limitations on the ability of the USPS to make changes in its operation without legislative changes.

Pages 27 and 28 answer questions about offering additional non-postal services in facilities. Suggested were such ideas as monitoring both wireless service and local air quality from delivery vehicles. These services could provide social value and generate revenue. Additionally, the report includes cautions about a possible lack of capital and expertise in non-postal areas such as banking.
A discussion of what Congress could do to improve the business model of the USPS begins on page 31. The report states, “Congress needs to consider fundamental reform of the entire framework of postal services in the United States and reassess the foundational elements of USPS’s business model.”
Non-postal services and legislative reform are issues AUSPL takes to Congress annually. A GAO discussion of these same issues underscores the need for action. Additionally, this report stresses the need for Congressional intervention saying without action, the critical services the USPS provide will be at risk.