Postal Service to add 45 Facilities Ahead of Holiday Season

The USPS is working toward increasing its holiday season package delivery capabilities by 35% over 2020’s capabilities.  This year’s capacity should exceed 50 million packages a day.  Central to the increased capacity are the addition of 112 new package sorting machines, and forty-five leased annex facilities.  The annexes are planned near existing processing plants.  An…


Regional Meeting – Nashville, TN, Thursday – December 9, 2021

Join us in Nashville, Tennessee for a one-day educational seminar about postal facility leasing. Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center 2800 Opryland Drive Nashville, TN 37214 Room Rate: $215 Hotel Reservation information to follow. AUSPL Members: $95 Non-Members: $145 ($145 includes one year membership) Register Here Presentation materials and lunch are included along with networking…


Government Accountability Office Report on USPS

The Government Accountability Office published a Postal Service Primer dated September 2021. This Primer includes an easy to follow system of questions and answers addresses key issues about postal reform. Included are costs, revenue, identification of the many stakeholders, and limitations on the ability of the USPS to make changes in its operation without legislative…
