USPS Safety Video
Click on the link below to view the 15 minute USPS safety video. USPS Safety Video
DetailsClick on the link below to view the 15 minute USPS safety video. USPS Safety Video
DetailsA Bill to provide basic banking services in every post office is being introduced by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York. The Huffington Post reports that the goal of the bill is to provide banking services for working-class and low-income individuals who cannot afford, or lack access to commercial banking. Postal banks would provide low…, an online magazine has photos of five of the prototype vehicles the the USPS will be testing this year. has interviewed mail carriers to determine what they want from the new vehicles. Air-conditioning, improved visibility, a hybrid or electric powertrain option and built-in shelves to organize parcels are some of the top…
DetailsIt’s the lack of presidentially appointed members on the Board of Governors. During the Obama administration, as terms of the Governors ended, new appointments were blocked. The Last Governor, Mr. James Bilbray completed his term of office in December of 2016. Since then no one can perform duties such as establish rates and classes for competitive…
DetailsMarch 22, 2018 A bi-partisan group of senators headed by Sen. Tom Carper of Delaware has introduced S.2629, The Postal Service Reform Act of 2018: Improving Postal Operations, Service, and Transparency. Senators Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), and Jerry Moran (R-KS) have united to support the US Postal Service by providing…
DetailsThe US Postal Service has sold nearly 225 of its large postal properties over the last seven years. Many of these buildings are on prime real estate in major cities such as Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C., and are attractive to developers. Massive old post offices where mail processors and other postal employees once worked are being transformed…
DetailsThe US Postal Service is a landlord as well as a tenant. As a landlord, the USPS leases space in USPS owned facilities, and subleases space in USPS leased facilities. Leasing provides extra income for the Postal Service enabling it to keep owned properties, and remain in leased properties. USPS leases have long allowed the…
DetailsPostage rate increases approved last fall take effect January 21, 2018. Letters rates will increase to $.47. For a list of all new rates, Click Here.
On December 29, 2017 President was again in the news for tweeting. This time his target was the USPS and the prices given to Amazon which are “making Amazon richer and the Post Office dumber and poorer,” according to the tweet. In an L.A. Times article, Michael Hiltzik looks at why the President and Congress…
DetailsNew Underground Storage Tank Regulations adopted in 2015 have a three-year time frame for implementation, with many taking effect October 13, 2018. If your facility has an Underground Storage Tank, make sure that it is in compliance with current regulations. For more information Click Here or call the AUSPL office (800-572-9483) for a copy of the EPA brochure.