Educating postal lessors is the value on which AUSPL was founded. That purpose was perpetuated at the recent Regional Meeting in Las Vegas. Members had high praise for the speakers, the venue, and the great food. One member described the relief he found to feelings of isolation upon becoming an AUSPL member, and the appreciation for the information made available.
We appreciate all the members who were able to attend. AUSPL has a terrific group of members!

Conference speakers covered Insurance, maintenance products, working with EMCOR, lease negotiations, lease terms, and concerns about changes the USPS is making in delivery.
Insurance for postal lessors benefits members by providing a program created specifically for post office facilities. Bill Eck was on hand to discuss the benefits that are only offered by the AUSPL Insurance Program. One of these benefits is the replacement insurance.
Maintenance of postal facilities is a complex part of ownership and Larry Magdovitz brought attention to several products that solve maintenance issues. One was quartz flooring. This flooring withstands rolling loads, like the mail carts in post offices that can cause flooring damage. This product has some flex with enough “give” to hold up under heavy carts.
Working with EMCOR can be frustrating for lessors, and Steve Roberts explained how to facilitate that process. He had several tips such as remembering to ask for an extension when repairs can’t be completed in the time frame given by EMCOR. Extensions are usually granted and alleviates the stress of making an impossible deadline.
Mark Karolczyk reminded lessors that the USPS must maintain items that were originally installed by the USPS (i.e., flag poles, dock lifts, roll-up customer service windows, roll-up doors, scissor lifts, electronic security systems and lobby and back-door locks). Also, make sure to exclude these items from lessor responsibility in any upcoming new leases.
Keith LaShier gave an update on the Discovering for America Plan and the extensive changes the USPS is making with mail delivery. Keith stated that the path ahead is unclear in terms of the effect on postal lessors. AUSPL leadership continues to monitor changes.
Norbert reminded attendees of the information available on the Members Only portion of the AUSPL website. Be sure to take a look. Members will need to register for this website by calling the office at 800-572-9384.
The recurring advice from postal experts is to read the lease. If there are questions, call AUSPL for help. In addition there are experts available for advice and lease negotiations. A list of these experts is on the AUSPL website under the Members Only tab.